All Packages
Package Summary
The API package contains all the VehiclesPlus API classes.
The Events package contains all the generic event classes.
The Events Implementation package contains all the events VehiclesPlus fires.
The Exceptions package contains all the exceptions VehiclesPlus might throw.
This package contains all the classes that are related to garages.
This package contains the permissions based API for the garages.
This package contains classes that are used to interact with NBT data.
This package contains all the classes that are related to the ArmorStands.
The Vehicles package contains all the vehicle related API.
The Collision package contains all the collision / hitbox related classes.
This package contains all the default vehicle models.
This package contains the default implementations of the
.The Fuel package contains all the fuel related classes.
The Vehicles Implementation package contains the implemented vehicle classes.
The Movement package contains all the movement API.
The Parts package contains all the parts related API.
The Parts Implementation package contains all the Part implementations.
The Seat package contains all the Seat Part types.
The Skin package contains all the Skin Part types.
The Rims package contains all the Rims related API.
The Settings package contains all the settings related API.
The Settings Implementation package contains all the implemented setting classes.
The Statics package contains all the vehicle statics related API.
The Strategies package contains the strategies for the vehicle movement which can be applied.
The Types package contains all the Vehicle Type related classes.
This package contains all the config classes.
This package contains the classes that are used for localization.
The Storage DB package contains the DB API classes.
The Storage Exceptions package contains all the DB exceptions that might be thrown.