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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


accelerate(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
The sound played when the vehicle is accelerating, so W is pressed.
acceleration(UpgradableSetting) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the acceleration setting.
ACCELERATION - Enum constant in enum
addAvailableColor(Color) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Add an available color to the vehicle.
addGarage(Garage, boolean) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Adds a garage to the garage map.
addMember(UUID) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Adds a member to this garage.
addMember(UUID, String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Adds a member to this garage with a specified role name.
addMovementType(MovementType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Add a new movement type
ADDON_PAINT_COLOR - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
The color to apply to the part Applied to: Paint bucket addon item
ADDON_WHEEL_PART - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
The wheel part to apply to the vehicle Applied to: Wheel addon item
AddonPart - Interface in
Implement this interface to create a part that can be added to a vehicle as an addon.
addRole(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Adds a new role to the garage.
addTiltType(TiltType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Add a new tilt type
addToQueue(QueuedSavable...) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.tasks.SaveTask
addVehicle(UUID) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Add a vehicle to this garage.
adjust(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
The permission to adjust this vehicle.
AIR - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.MovementType
Air movement
AirMovementStrategy - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies
A strategy for air movement
AirMovementStrategy() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
AirMovementStrategy(float) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
Construct of AirMovementStrategy
AirMovementStrategy(VehicleModel) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
Default construct of AirMovementStrategy
API - Enum constant in enum
APINotOverwrittenException - Exception Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions
Internal exception called when an API method is not overwritten by the Plugin implementation.
APINotOverwrittenException() - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.APINotOverwrittenException
APINotOverwrittenException(String) - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.APINotOverwrittenException
APINotOverwrittenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.APINotOverwrittenException
APINotOverwrittenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.APINotOverwrittenException
applyExtraOffset(Location) - Method in class
applyExtraOffset(Location) - Method in class
applyExtraOffset(Location) - Method in class
applyExtraOffset(Location) - Method in class
Override this method to apply extra offset.
applyMetaData(NBTDataType, Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Apply NBT metadata to the armor stand.
applyToStrategy(MovementType, Consumer<T>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Apply a function to a specific strategy.
applyWheelieOffset() - Method in class
Updates the position of the skin based on the wheelie offset
ArmorStandBuilder - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands
A builder class for creating armor stands.
ArmorStandBuilder(Location) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Create a new armor stand builder.
ArmorStandBuilder(Location, double, double, double) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Create a new armor stand builder.
ArmorStandBuilder(Location, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Create a new armor stand builder.
ArmorStandName - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands
The name of the ArmorStands used in the plugin.
ASCEND_DESCENT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.TiltType
Only tilt when ascending/descending
asString() - Method in class
asString() - Method in class
asString() - Method in class
asString() - Method in class
asString() - Method in class
asString() - Method in class
asString() - Method in class
Get the part as string, for the info command.
availableColors(ColorList) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the available colors for the vehicle model.


BACK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
The back side of the hitbox
BikeSeat - Class in
BikeSeat() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default BikeSeat part.
BikeSeat(double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class
Construct a new seat part
BikeSeat(double, double, double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Construct a new seat part
BikeSkin - Class in
BikeSkin() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default BikeSkin part.
BikeSkin(double, double, double, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Skin part
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
The bottom side of the hitbox
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.DefaultVehicleModel
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultBike
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultBoat
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultCar
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultHelicopter
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultHovercraft
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultPlane
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultTank
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
build() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Builds and returns the VehicleModel instance.
builder() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
builder() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
builder() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
builder() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
builder() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get a new builder of a VehicleModel
buy(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player buy cars for this garage?
buy(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
The permission to buy this vehicle.


calculateHitbox() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.CollisionHandler
Calculate the hitbox of the vehicle
CancellableEvent - Class in
CancellableEvent() - Constructor for class
CancellableVehicleEvent<T> - Class in
CancellableVehicleEvent(T) - Constructor for class
Construct a new CancellableVehicleEvent.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.PersistentVehicle
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canTilt() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Check if this vehicle type can tilt
checkCollision() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.CollisionHandler
Check collision for the vehicle This method MUST be run sync This method will return if the speed is 0
CHUNK_UNLOAD - Enum constant in enum
clearMovementTypes() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
clearTiltTypes() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
closeConnection() - Method in class
Collision(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
CollisionHandler - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision
Mock class for the CollisionHandler
CollisionHandler(SpawnedVehicle) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.CollisionHandler
Construct a new CollisionHandler
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEPAINT_GIVEN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %player% ▼
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEPAINT_ITEM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %red% %green% %blue% ▼
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEPAINT_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEPAINT_RECEIVED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEWHEEL_GIVEN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %player% ▼
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEWHEEL_ITEM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %type% ▼
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEWHEEL_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_ADDON_GIVEWHEEL_RECEIVED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_FUEL_BUY - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %liters% %type% ▼
COMMANDS_FUEL_GIVE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_GARAGE_ADDEDMEMBER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %player% %garage% ▼
COMMANDS_GARAGE_ALREADY - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_GARAGE_CREATED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %garage% ▼
COMMANDS_GARAGE_DELETED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %garage% ▼
COMMANDS_GARAGE_INVALID - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_GARAGE_REMOVEDMEMBER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %player% %garage% ▼
COMMANDS_GARAGE_SETOWNER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %player% %garage% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_DELETE_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_DELETE_CONFIRM - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %model% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_DELETE_DELETED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %model% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_DRIFT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %drift% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_EXITWHILEMOVING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %exitwhilemoving% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_HEALTH - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %health% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %name% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_PARTS_HEADER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_PARTS_PART - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %part% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_PRICE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %price% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXHAUST_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %enabled% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXHAUST_PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %particle% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXHAUST_XOFFSET - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %xoffset% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXHAUST_YOFFSET - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %yoffset% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXHAUST_ZOFFSET - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %zoffset% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_FUEL_TYPE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %type% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_FUEL_USAGE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %usage% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_GEARBOX_COOLDOWN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %cooldown% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_GEARBOX_REALISTIC - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %realistic% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HEADER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HEIGHTLIMIT_MAXHEIGHT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %max% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HEIGHTLIMIT_MINHEIGHT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %min% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HITBOX_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %height% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HITBOX_LENGTH - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %length% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HITBOX_WIDTH - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %width% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HORN_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %enabled% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_HORN_SOUND - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_ADJUST - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %adjust% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_BUY - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %buy% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_CANSITWITHOUTRIDE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sit% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_RIDE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %ride% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_PERMISSIONS_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %spawn% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SETTING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %setting% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_ACCELERATION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_DRIVING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_IDLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_SLOWINGDOWN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_SOUND_DURATION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %duration% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_SOUND_PITCH - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %pitch% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_SOUND_SOUND - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_SOUND_VOLUME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %volume% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_SOUNDS_START - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %sound% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_UPGRADABLE_BASE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %base% %unit% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_UPGRADABLE_MAX - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %max% %unit% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_UPGRADABLE_MAXEDOUT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_UPGRADABLE_NOTUPGRADABLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_UPGRADABLE_STEP - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %step% %unit% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_SETTINGS_UPGRADABLE_STEPCOST - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %stepcost% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_TRUNKSIZE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %trunksize% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_INFO_TYPE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %type% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_LIST_HOVER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_LIST_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %name% %type% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLEMODEL_RELOAD - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GETVOUCHER_ITEM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% %color% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GETVOUCHER_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GETVOUCHER_RECEIVED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GIVE_ADDED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% %garage% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GIVE_INVALIDCOLOR - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GIVE_INVALIDGARAGE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_GIVE_NOCOLOR - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_REPAIR_NOVEHICLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_REPAIR_REPAIRED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_SPAWN_SPAWNED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
COMMANDS_VEHICLES_SPAWNPERSISTENT_SPAWNED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
Config - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
Config(Integer, Locale, Config.Data, Config.Collision, double, double, boolean, boolean, Config.UpdateChecker, Config.Limits, String, List<Integer>, Config.Permissions) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
Config.Collision - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
Config.Data - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
Config.Limits - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
Config.Permissions - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
Config.UpdateChecker - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
constructBuilder(Class<T>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.DefaultVehicleModel
Construct a new DefaultVehicleModel by its class This works for all the DefaultVehicleModels
constructBuiltInBuilder(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.DefaultVehicleModel
Construct a new DefaultVehicleModel by its class name This ONLY works for built-in models!
constructDefaultModel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Construct a new default model
Controllable - Interface in
Implement this interface to create a part that can be controlled by a player.
createStrategy(VehicleModel, MovementType) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.StrategyFactory
Create a MovementStrategy instance for a given VehicleModel and MovementType
createVehicle(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(String, Function<StorageVehicle, StorageVehicle>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(String, Garage) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(String, Garage, Function<StorageVehicle, StorageVehicle>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(VehicleModel) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(VehicleModel, Function<StorageVehicle, StorageVehicle>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(VehicleModel, Garage) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.
createVehicle(VehicleModel, Garage, Function<StorageVehicle, StorageVehicle>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Create a vehicle using a vehicle model.


Data(String, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
Data(String, int, boolean, String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
DataInvalidException - Exception Class in
DataInvalidException() - Constructor for exception class
DataInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception class
DataInvalidException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
DataInvalidException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
DataStorage - Class in
DataStorageException - Exception Class in
DataStorageException() - Constructor for exception class
DataStorageException(String) - Constructor for exception class
DataStorageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
DataStorageException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
DefaultBike - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultBike() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultBike
DefaultBoat - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultBoat() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultBoat
DefaultCar - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultCar() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultCar
DefaultHelicopter - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultHelicopter() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultHelicopter
DefaultHovercraft - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultHovercraft() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultHovercraft
defaultModel(Class<? extends DefaultVehicleModel>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
The default model
DefaultPlane - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultPlane() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultPlane
defaultSounds - Variable in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.DefaultVehicleModel
DefaultTank - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
DefaultTank() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl.DefaultTank
DefaultVehicleModel - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults
Implement this interface to create a default vehicle model.
DefaultVehicleModel() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.DefaultVehicleModel
delete(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player delete vehicles in this garage?
deleteGarage(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player delete this garage?
deleteGarage(Garage) - Method in class
deserialize(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTColorAdapter
deserialize(String) - Method in interface nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTSerializable
Deserialize the object from NBT.
despawn(boolean, Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Despawn this vehicle.
despawn(VehicleDespawnEvent.DespawnReason) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Despawn this vehicle.
despawn(VehicleDespawnEvent.DespawnReason, boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Despawn this vehicle.
despawn(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Despawn this vehicle.
despawnStand() - Method in class
despawnStand() - Method in class
despawnStand() - Method in class
Despawn the stand
despawnStand() - Method in class
Despawn the stand of this wheel.
despawnStand() - Method in class
Despawn the stand for this part.
despawnVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
despawnVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Internal method to despawn the vehicle.
DESTROY - Enum constant in enum
displayName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the display name of the vehicle model.
doesPlayerOwnVehicles(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Check if a player owns any vehicles.
drift(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Enables or disables drifting capability.
DrivableVehicle - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl
A spawned vehicle that can be driven by a player.
driving(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
The sound played when the vehicle is driving, even if it's accelerating / slowing down.


enter(Player) - Method in class
Make a player enter this seat
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.PersistentVehicle
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
EquipablePart - Class in
A Part with an item.
EquipablePart() - Constructor for class
EquipablePart(double, double, double, int, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new EquipablePart.
EquipablePart(double, double, double, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new EquipablePart.
Event - Class in
Event() - Constructor for class
exhaust(Exhaust) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the exhaust system for the vehicle.
Exhaust - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
The exhaust setting.
Exhaust() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
Exhaust(boolean, double, double, double, Particle) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
Creates a new Exhaust instance.
exitWhileMoving(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Allows exiting the vehicle while moving.


forceSave() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
forceSave() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
forceSave() - Method in interface
forceSetAcceleration(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Force set the current acceleration (overwrites the modifier value)
forceSetBrakeForce(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Force set the current brake force (overwrites the modifier value)
forceSetCurrentHealth(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Force set the current health (overwrites the modifier value)
forceSetFuelTank(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Force set the current fuel (overwrites the modifier value)
forceSetMaxSpeed(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Force set the max speed (overwrites the modifier value)
forceSetTurningRadius(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Force set the current turning radius (overwrites the modifier value)
FORWARD - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox.Gear
FORWARD_BACKWARD - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.TiltType
Only tilt when going forward/backward
frictionType(FrictionType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
The friction type that this vehicle has
FrictionType - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types
The type of friction to apply to a vehicle Only one type can be applied to a vehicle
FRONT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
The front side of the hitbox
fuel(Fuel) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the fuel type of the vehicle.
Fuel - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
The Fuel setting.
Fuel() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
Fuel(String, double) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
Creates a new Fuel instance.
FUEL_TYPE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
The fuel type of the canister Applied to: Fuel canister item
fuelTank(UpgradableSetting) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the fuel tank capacity.
FuelType - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel
Wrapper class for the fuel type
FuelType() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
FuelType(String, ItemStack, double) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
Creates a new FuelType instance.


Garage - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages
Garage(String, UUID) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Construct a new Garage.
Garage(String, UUID, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Represents a Garage.
Garage(String, UUID, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Constructs a new Garage instance with the provided parameters.
GarageMember - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions
GarageMember(UUID, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageMember
GarageOpenEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a player opens a garage;
GarageOpenEvent(Player, Garage) - Constructor for class
Construct a new GarageOpenEvent.
GaragePermissions - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions
GaragePermissions() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Represents the permissions for a garage.
GaragePermissions(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Creates a new GaragePermissions instance.
GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions
GarageRole - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions
GarageRole(String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageRole
Constructor for the GarageRole
GarageRole(String, GaragePermissions) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageRole
gearbox(Gearbox) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the gearbox for the vehicle.
Gearbox - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
Gearbox() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Construct a non-realistic gearbox.
Gearbox(boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Construct a new gearbox.
Gearbox(boolean, long) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Construct a new gearbox.
Gearbox.Gear - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
GENERAL_ERRORS_NOECONOMY - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
GENERAL_ERRORS_NOTENOUGHMONEY - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
GENERAL_VEHICLES_ACTIONBAR_NORMAL - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %gear% %curspeed% %maxspeed% %fuelperc% %curfuel% %maxfuel% ▼
GENERAL_VEHICLES_ACTIONBAR_OUTOFFUEL - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
getAccelerate() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is accelerating, so W is pressed.
getAcceleration() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Get the acceleration of the vehicle including modifiers
getAcceleration() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The acceleration settings
getAccelerationModifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the acceleration (positive or negative)
getActionBarMessage() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The message to show in the player's actionbar
getAdjust() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to adjust this vehicle.
getAdjust() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Permissions
getAmmo() - Method in class
The ammo required to shoot.
getAmount() - Method in class
The amount of fuel added to the vehicle.
getArmorStand() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
The armor stand that is being built.
getAsDrivableVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Get the vehicle as a DrivableVehicle.
getAsPersistentVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Get the vehicle as a PersistentVehicle.
getAvailableColors() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The available colors
getBase() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The base setting.
getBrakeForce() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Get the brake force of the vehicle including modifiers
getBrakeForceModifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the brake force (positive or negative)
getBuy() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to buy this vehicle.
getBuy() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Permissions
getBuyingPlayer() - Method in class
The Player that buys the vehicle.
getClicker() - Method in class
The Player that interacted with the vehicle.
getCollidingEntity() - Method in class
The Entity the vehicle collided with, or null if no entity collision.
getCollidingVehicle() - Method in class
The SpawnedVehicle the vehicle collided with, or null if no vehicle collision.
getCollision() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getCollisionHandler() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The collision handler of this vehicle
getCollisionSide() - Method in class
The side of the vehicle that was hit
getCollisionSpeed() - Method in class
The speed at which the collision occurred (km/h)
getColor() - Method in class
Get the color of this part.
getControllingTurret() - Method in class
The turret that this seat controls.
getCooldown() - Method in class
The shooting cooldown.
getCooldown() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
The amount of ticks it takes to shift gears.
getCooldown() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
The horning cooldown.
getCurrentFuel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current fuel of the vehicle in liters
getCurrentGear() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
The current gear of the gearbox.
getCurrentHealth() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current health of the vehicle
getCurrentSpeed() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current speed of the vehicle
getCurrentSpeedKMPH() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Get the current speed in km/h This value will never be negative
getCurrentSteering() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current steering of the vehicle in degrees
getDamageLevel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
getDatabase() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getDataSettings() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getDefaultModel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The default model
getDefaultRimDesignId() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getDespawner() - Method in class
The Player that despawns the vehicle.
getDisplayName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
The display name of the garage menu Might contain ChatColor (as ampersand string)!
getDisplayName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The display name of this StorageVehicle, used in chat and inventories
getDisplayName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The display name of this BaseVehicle, used in chat and inventories
getDisplayNameColored() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
Get the display name.
getDisplayNameColored() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get the display name.
getDriver() - Method in class
The Player who locks/unlocks the vehicle.
getDriving() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is driving, even if it's accelerating / slowing down.
getDuration() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The duration to play it for.
getExhaust() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The exhaust settings
getExplosionSize() - Method in class
The size of an explosion.
getExtraYOffset() - Method in class
The extra offset to apply (while doing the wheelie)
getFrictionType() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The friction type that this vehicle has
getFromStrategy(MovementType, Function<T, R>, R) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
getFromStrategy(MovementType, Function<T, R>, R) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getFromStrategy(MovementType, Function<T, R>, R) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getFromStrategy(MovementType, Function<T, R>, R) - Method in interface nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.IVehicle
getFromStrategy(MovementType, Function<T, R>, R) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get the value of a specific strategy.
getFuel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
Get the fuel item
getFuel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The fuel settings
getFuel(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
Get the fuel item
getFuelGUIAmounts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getFuelTank() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Get the fuel tank of the vehicle in liters including modifiers
getFuelTank() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The fuel tank settings
getFuelTankModifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the fuel tank (positive or negative)
getFuelType(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a fuel type by its name.
getFuelTypes() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
All the registered fuel types
getGarage() - Method in class
The String displayName of the menu the player opens.
getGarage() - Method in class
The garage who receives the vehicle.
getGarage() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the garage this vehicle is in
getGarage(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a garage by name.
getGarage(Vehicle) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a garage by a vehicle.
getGarageRole() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageMember
The role this member has
getGarages() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
All the garages.
getGarages(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the garages the player owns or is member in.
getGarages(OfflinePlayer, boolean) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the garages the player owns or is member in.
getGearbox() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The gearbox settings If null, it means that the vehicle doesn't have a gearbox.
getGUIItem() - Method in class
The item to display in the GUI
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
A list of EventHandlers listening to this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Get the EventHandlers listening to this event.
getHave() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Limits
getHealth() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The health of the vehicle
getHeight() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
The Y-position
getHeightLimit() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The height limit settings
getHitbox() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The hitbox settings
getHitboxPoints() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.CollisionHandler
The current hitbox points
getHolder() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The main holder of this vehicle
getHolder() - Method in class
The stand of the part.
getHooks() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
getHorn() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The horn settings
getHost() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getId() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The ID of this BaseVehicle
getIdentifier() - Method in class
Identifier of this turret
getIdle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is in idle, so not moving.
getInfoList() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getInfoList() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getInfoList() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the information of this vehicle
getInfoList() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get the information list of this vehicle.
getInput() - Method in class
The MovementInput, containing the pressed keys.
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInterval() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getItem() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
The item that represents the fuel type
getItem() - Method in class
The item of the Part.
getItem() - Method in class
Overrides the item getter to ignore it for JSON serialization.
getLastKnownLocation() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The last known location of this vehicle
getLength() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
The Z-position (when facing North)
getLift() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
The current lift of the vehicle
getLiftoffSpeed() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
The speed at which the vehicle can liftoff (km/h)
getLimits() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getLocale() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getMax() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The maximal setting.
getMaxHeight() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
The maximal height this vehicle can move.
getMaxSpeed() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Get the maximum speed of the vehicle in km/h including modifiers
getMaxSpeed() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The max speed settings
getMaxSpeedModifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the max speed (positive or negative)
getMember() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageMember
The garage member UUID
getMember(UUID) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Get the member object of a player in this garage.
getMember(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Get the member object of a player in this garage.
getMembers() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
The members of this garage
getMessage(PluginMessage) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.Locale
Get a translated message
getMessage(PluginMessage, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.Locale
Get a translated message
getMinHeight() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
The minimal height this vehicle can move.
getMomentum() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
The momentum of this vehicle
getMovementTypes() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The movement types that this vehicle has
getName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
The name and unique identifier of this garage (used for the command /garage (name))
getName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
The name of the fuel type
getName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The name of the rim design.
getName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The name of this type
getOffset() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxPoint
The offset from the center of the hitbox
getOwner() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Get the owner of this garage.
getOwningVehicle() - Method in class
Retrieves the DrivableVehicle of which this part is a part
getPart(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getPart(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getPart(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the first occurrence of a specific type.
getPart(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get the first occurrence of a specific type.
getPart(Class<V>, Predicate<? super V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Get the first part of a specific class that match the filter.
getPart(ArmorStand) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getPart(ArmorStand) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getPart(ArmorStand) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get a part from the holder stand.
getPart(ArmorStand) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get a part from the holder stand.
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
getPartGUIItem() - Method in class
The Configuration and Addon GUI will call this method to get the item to display.
getParticle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The particle itself
getParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The list of parts that this vehicle has MOST of the time, this is the same as in the VehicleModel, but with changes For example, if the color of the skin is changed, the Skin part is different Or, for example if this vehicle has custom parts added to it
getParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get all the parts of this vehicle.
getParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The parts that this BaseVehicle has
getParts(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getParts(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get all the parts of a specific type.
getParts(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getParts(Class<V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get all the parts of a specific type.
getParts(Class<V>, Predicate<? super V>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Get all parts of a specific class that match the filter.
getPassenger() - Method in class
Get the passenger of this seat
getPassword() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getPermissions() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageRole
The name of the garage role
getPermissions() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The permission settings
getPermissions() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getPersistentLocation() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The location where this vehicle is placed
getPersonalGarage(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the personal garage of a player.
getPitch() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The pitch to play it at.
getPlayer() - Method in class
The Player that opens the garage.
getPlayer() - Method in class
The Player that pressed the key.
getPlayer() - Method in class
The Player that enters the vehicle.
getPlayer() - Method in class
The Player who leaves the vehicle.
getPort() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getPosition() - Method in class
The position of the item on the holder stand of the Part.
getPosition() - Method in class
Overrides the position getter to ignore it for JSON serialization.
getPosition() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The position of the rim on the armorstand.
getPrice() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The price of the rim.
getPrice() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The price of this vehicle
getPricePerLiter() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
The price per liter
getReason() - Method in class
The reason why the vehicle gets despawned.
getRenameCost() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getRepairCostDivision() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getRide() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to ride this vehicle.
getRide() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Permissions
getRimDesign(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a rimdesign by its ID.
getRimDesignId() - Method in class
The rimdesign of the wheel.
getRimDesigns() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
All the registered rim designs
getRole(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Returns the GarageRole object associated with the specified role name.
getRole(String, boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Returns the GarageRole object associated with the specified role name.
getRole(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Get the role of a player in this garage.
getRoleName() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageRole
The name of the garage role
getRoles() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
The roles of this garage
getRotationOffset() - Method in class
The rotation offset.
getSaveError() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
getSaveError() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getSaveError() - Method in interface
getSaveIdentifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
getSaveIdentifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getSaveIdentifier() - Method in interface
getSeat() - Method in class
The Seat the player entered.
getSeat() - Method in class
The Seat the player left.
getSender() - Method in class
The sender who gives the vehicle.
getSide() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxPoint
The side of the hitbox this point is on
getSkin() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The skin of the rim (applied to the wheels).
getSlowingDown() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is slowing down / breaking, so S is pressed.
getSound() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
The sound of the horn.
getSound() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The sound to play.
getSounds() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The sound settings
getSource() - Method in class
The source of the give.
getSpawn() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to spawn/despawn this vehicle.
getSpawn() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Limits
getSpawn() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Permissions
getSpawnedVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the SpawnedVehicle of this vehicle.
getSpawnedVehicles() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get all the SpawnedVehicles
getSpawnedVehicles(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the spawned vehicles owned by this player.
getSpawner() - Method in class
The Player who spawns the vehicle, or null if not spawned by a player.
getSpawner() - Method in class
The Player who spawned the vehicle, or null if not spawned by a player.
getStart() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is started, so when it starts moving.
getStatics() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getStatics() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The statics of this vehicle
getStatics() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the statics of this vehicle.
getSteeringOffset() - Method in class
The steering rotation offset.
getStep() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The step of one upgrade.
getStepCost() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The cost of one step.
getStorageVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The vehicle that is spawned
getStorageVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the StorageVehicle of this vehicle.
getStorageVehicle(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the StorageVehicle of this vehicle.
getStorageVehicles() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get all the StorageVehicles
getStorageVehicles(OfflinePlayer, boolean) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the vehicles owned by this player.
getStrategyClass(MovementType) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.StrategyFactory
Get the strategy class for a given MovementType
getTiltTypes() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The tilt types that this vehicle has
getTrunk() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
The trunk of this vehicle
getTrunkItems() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The items the trunk contains Does NOT include AIR
getTrunkSize() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The size of the trunk
getTurningRadius() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Get the turning radius of the vehicle in degrees including modifiers
getTurningRadius() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The turning radius settings
getTurningRadiusModifier() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the turning radius (positive or negative)
getType() - Method in class
The type of fuel used to refuel the vehicle.
getType() - Method in class
The type of upgrade.
getType() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
Get the type of fuel that this vehicle uses.
getType() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Get the type of this vehicle.
getType() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getTypeId() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
The type of fuel that this vehicle uses.
getTypeId() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The type that this BaseVehicle is
getTypeStrategies() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
getUnit() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The unit of the setting.
getUpdateCheckerSettings() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getUsage() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
The fuel usage.
getUsername() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
getUuid() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getUuid() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The unique identifier of this vehicle
getUuid() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the UUID of this vehicle
getVehicle() - Method in class
The vehicle involved in this event.
getVehicle(UUID) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a vehicle by its UUID.
getVehicle(Player) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the vehicle a player is driving.
getVehicleFromHolder(ArmorStand) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the vehicle by a holder ArmorStand.
getVehicleFromPart(ArmorStand) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the vehicle by a part ArmorStand.
getVehicleModel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
getVehicleModel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
getVehicleModel() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Get the basevehicle / type of this vehicle
getVehicleModel(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a vehicle model by its ID.
getVehicleModels() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
All the registered vehicle models
getVehicles() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
The list of vehicles in this garage
getVehicles() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
All the vehicles, can be both stored or spawned.
getVehicles(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get the vehicles owned by this player.
getVehicleType(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Get a vehicletype by its ID.
getVehicleTypes() - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
All the registered vehicle types
getVersion() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
getVolume() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The volume to play it at.
getWheelieOffset() - Method in class
The wheelie offset of the skin
getWidth() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
The X-position (when facing North)
getXOffset() - Method in class
The x-offset
getXOffset() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The x-offset of the particle
getYOffset() - Method in class
The y-offset
getYOffset() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The y-offset of the particle
getZOffset() - Method in class
The z-offset
getZOffset() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The z-offset of the particle


handleGearbox(MovementInput, float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Handle the gearbox.
handleInput(MovementInput) - Method in class
handleInput(MovementInput) - Method in interface
Handle the input of the player.
handleInput(MovementInput) - Method in class
hasAddedParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
hasAddedParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
hasAddedParts() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Check if this vehicle has any addon parts.
hashCode() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
hashCode() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.PersistentVehicle
hashCode() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
hashCode() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hasMovementType(MovementType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Check if the vehicle type includes this movement type
hasTiltType(TiltType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Check if the vehicle type includes this tilt type
HEAD - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.HolderItemPosition
The head of the armor stand
health(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the health points of the vehicle.
heightLimit(HeightLimit) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the height limit for the vehicle.
HeightLimit - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
The min and max height settings.
HeightLimit() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
HeightLimit(double, double) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
Creates a new HeightLimit instance.
HIGH_FRICTION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.FrictionType
High friction means it does not keep momentum
hitbox(Hitbox) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the hitbox for the vehicle model.
Hitbox - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
The Hitbox setting.
Hitbox() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
Hitbox(double, double, double) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
Creates a new Hitbox instance.
HitboxPoint - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision
HitboxPoint(Vector, HitboxSide) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxPoint
Creates a new HitboxPoint instance.
HitboxSide - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision
The sides of the hitbox
holder - Variable in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The main holder of this vehicle
holder - Variable in class
The stand of the part.
HolderItemPosition - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles
The position of an item in the holder (armor stand)
horn(Horn) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the horn for the vehicle.
horn(Location) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
Play the horn if enabled.
Horn - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
The horn settings.
Horn() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
Construct a disabled Horn.
Horn(boolean, Sounds.Sound) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
Construct a new Horn.
Horn(Sounds.Sound) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
Construct an enabled Horn.


id(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the ID of the vehicle model.
idle(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
The sound played when the vehicle is in idle, so not moving.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTColorAdapter
INVENTORIES_CONFIRMATION_CANCEL_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_CONFIRMATION_CANCEL_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_CONFIRMATION_CONFIRM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_CONFIRMATION_CONFIRM_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_FUEL_AMOUNT_ITEM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %price% ▼
INVENTORIES_FUEL_AMOUNT_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %type% %amount% ▼
INVENTORIES_FUEL_AMOUNT_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_FUEL_BOUGHT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %liters% %type% ▼
INVENTORIES_FUEL_SHOP_ITEM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %price% ▼
INVENTORIES_FUEL_SHOP_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %type% ▼
INVENTORIES_FUEL_SHOP_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_FIRST_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_FIRST_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_LAST_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %page% ▼
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_LAST_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_NEXT_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %page% ▼
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_NEXT_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_PREVIOUS_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %page% ▼
INVENTORIES_PAGINATION_PREVIOUS_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_ENTER_ITEM_DRIVERSEAT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_ENTER_ITEM_LORE_FREE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_ENTER_ITEM_LORE_TAKEN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_ENTER_ITEM_SEAT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %seat% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_ENTER_NOPERMISSION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_ENTER_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_MOVING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_REMOVE_CONFIRMATION_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_REMOVE_CONFIRMATION_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_REMOVE_MOVING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_REPAIR_REPAIRED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_BUTTON_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_BUTTON_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_REPAIRED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ADJUST - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_BUY - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_DELETEGARAGE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_LOCK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_MANAGEMEMBERS_BUTTON_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %role% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_MANAGEMEMBERS_BUTTON_LOREOWNER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %role% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_MANAGEMEMBERS_BUTTON_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %member% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_MANAGEMEMBERS_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_MANAGEROLES - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_OPENTRUNK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_RENAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_RENAMEVEHICLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_REPAIR - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_RIDE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_BUTTON_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_BUTTON_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %role% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_CREATE_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_CREATE_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_DELETE_DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_DELETE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_DELETE_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_ROLELIST_NOOWNER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_TOGGLE_DISABLED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_TOGGLE_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_TRANSFERVEHICLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_TUNE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_SETTING_UPGRADE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SETTINGS_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SPAWN_FAILED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_SPAWN_LIMITED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %limit% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_GARAGE_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %garage% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_ENTER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_LOCK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_LOCKED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_REMOVE_PERSISTENT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_TRUNK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_TUNING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_UNLOCK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_UNLOCKED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_INTERACTION_UPGRADES - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SETTINGS_RENAME_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %cost% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SETTINGS_RENAME_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SETTINGS_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_COLOR_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_CONFIRMATION_BOUGHT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %vehicle% %garage% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_CONFIRMATION_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_GARAGE_ITEM_LORE_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %owner% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_GARAGE_ITEM_LORE_LIMITED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_GARAGE_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %garage% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_GARAGE_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_VEHICLE_ITEM_LORE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %price% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_VEHICLE_ITEM_NAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %name% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_SHOP_VEHICLE_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_TRUNK_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_CURRENT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %current% %unit% ▼
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_ITEMS_ACCELERATION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_ITEMS_FUELTANK - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_ITEMS_SPEED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_ITEMS_TURNINGRADIUS - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_MAXEDOUT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_TITLE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
INVENTORIES_VEHICLES_UPGRADE_UPGRADED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
isA() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The left key is pressed.
isActionBar() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
isAddon() - Method in class
Is this part added to the vehicle, or not?
isAllowedToAdjust(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Helper function to check if a player is allowed to adjust this vehicle.
isAllowedToBuy(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Helper function to check if a player is allowed to buy this vehicle.
isAllowedToDrive(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Helper function to check if a player is allowed to drive this vehicle.
isAllowedToRide(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Helper function to check if a player is allowed to ride this vehicle.
isAllowedToSpawn(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Helper function to check if a player is allowed to spawn this vehicle.
isBlockDriving() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
isBroken() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
If the vehicle is broken
isBuy() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player buy cars for this garage?
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if this event gets cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if this event gets cancelled.
isColorable() - Method in class
Check if the item is colorable.
isConfigurator() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
If this vehicle is a configurator vehicle used by the Vehicle Configurator This for example disables some features in the Vehicle GUI
isD() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The right key is pressed.
isDelete() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player delete vehicles in this garage?
isDeleteGarage() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player delete this garage?
isDespawnVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
isDownloadOnUpdate() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.UpdateChecker
isDrift() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Is the vehicle allowed to drift?
isDrivable() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Check if this vehicle is drivable or not.
isDropTrunkItems() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
isEnabled() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
Is the exhaust enabled?
isEnabled() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
Is the horn enabled?
isEnabled() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.UpdateChecker
isEntityPushed() - Method in class
If the entity the vehicle collided with that been pushed.
isExitWhileMoving() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The exit while moving property
isFirstRun() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Is this the first run of the gearbox?
isForce() - Method in class
Whether the vehicle is forced to despawn.
isInCooldown() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Is the gearbox in cooldown?
isLock() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player lock the vehicles?
isLocked() - Method in class
The new lock state.
isLocked() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
The locked state
isManageMembers() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player manage members in this garage?
isManageRoles() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player manage roles in this garage?
isMovementType(MovementType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Check if the vehicle type ONLY includes this movement type
isMoving() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Check if the vehicle is moving
isOccupied() - Method in class
Is this seat occupied?
isOpenTrunk() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player open the trunk of the vehicles?
isPersistent() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Check if this vehicle is persistent or not.
isPersistent() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
If this vehicle is persistent (instance of PersistentVehicle)
isPersonal() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Represents whether this garage is a personal garage or broader
isRealistic() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Is the gearbox realistic?
isRealisticSteering() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Is steering realistic?
isRemove() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player remove/despawn cars in this garage?
isRename() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player rename this garage?
isRepair() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player repair cars in this garage?
isRide() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player ride the vehicles in the menu?
isS() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The backward key is pressed.
isShift() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The shift key is pressed.
isSitWithoutRidePermission() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
Can a player sit in the vehicle, even if he doesn't have the ride permission?
isSlabDriving() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
isSpace() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The space key is pressed.
isSpawn() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player spawn vehicles in this garage?
isSpawned() - Method in class
Check if the part is spawned.
isSpawned() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Check if this vehicle is persistent or not.
isSpawnLocked() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config
isSteer() - Method in class
Is this a steering seat?
isSteering() - Method in class
Is this wheel moving to left/right?
isStopAtEntity() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
isStopAtVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Collision
isTiltType(TiltType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Check if the vehicle type ONLY includes this tilt type
isTransferVehicle() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player transfer vehicles from this garage to another garage?
isTune() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player tune vehicles in the garage?
isUpgradable() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
Is this setting upgradable?
isUpgrade() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player tune vehicles in the garage?
isVehicleDamaged() - Method in class
If the vehicle has been damaged.
isVehicleRename() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player rename vehicles in this garage?
isVerbose() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Data
isW() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The forward key is pressed.
isWheelie() - Method in class
Is this seat doing a wheelie?
IVehicle - Interface in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles
A type of vehicle class.


KeyPressEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a supported key is pressed.
KeyPressEvent(Player, MovementInput) - Constructor for class
Construct a new KeyPressEvent.


LAND - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.MovementType
Land movement
LandMovementStrategy - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies
A strategy for land movement
LandMovementStrategy() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.LandMovementStrategy
LandMovementStrategy(VehicleModel) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.LandMovementStrategy
Default construct of AirMovementStrategy
LEFT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
The left side of the hitbox
Limits(int, int) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Limits
loadGarages() - Method in class
loadVehicles() - Method in class
Locale - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale
Locale class for getting translated messages
lock(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player lock the vehicles?
LOW_FRICTION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.FrictionType
Low friction means it keeps its momentum for a long time


MAIN_HAND - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.HolderItemPosition
The main hand (right) of the armor stand
manageMembers(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player manage members in this garage?
manageRoles(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player manage roles in this garage?
maxSpeed(UpgradableSetting) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the maximum speed setting.
MEDIUM_FRICTION - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.FrictionType
Medium friction means it keeps its momentum a little bit
MovementInput - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement
Represents the input of a player.
MovementInput(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
Creates a new MovementInput instance.
MovementStrategy - Interface in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics
A strategy for movement
movementType(MovementType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
MovementType - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types
The type of movement a vehicle can have Multiple types can be applied to a vehicle
MovementTypeAssociation - Annotation Type in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics
An annotation to associate a MovementType with a MovementStrategy
movementTypes(Collection<? extends MovementType>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder


name(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
The name of this type
NBTColorAdapter - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt
An adapter for serializing and deserializing Color to and from NBT.
NBTColorAdapter() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTColorAdapter
NBTDataType - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt
The NBT metadata applied to the ArmorStands used in the plugin.
NBTSerializable<T> - Interface in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt
An interface for serializing and deserializing objects to and from NBT.
NEUTRAL - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox.Gear
newInstance(JavaPlugin, String) - Static method in class
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api
The API package contains all the VehiclesPlus API classes. - package
The Events package contains all the generic event classes. - package
The Events Implementation package contains all the events VehiclesPlus fires.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions
The Exceptions package contains all the exceptions VehiclesPlus might throw.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages
This package contains all the classes that are related to garages.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions
This package contains the permissions based API for the garages.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt
This package contains classes that are used to interact with NBT data.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands
This package contains all the classes that are related to the ArmorStands.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles
The Vehicles package contains all the vehicle related API.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision
The Collision package contains all the collision / hitbox related classes.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults
This package contains all the default vehicle models.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.defaults.impl
This package contains the default implementations of the DefaultVehicleModel.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel
The Fuel package contains all the fuel related classes.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl
The Vehicles Implementation package contains the implemented vehicle classes.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement
The Movement package contains all the movement API. - package
The Parts package contains all the parts related API. - package
The Parts Implementation package contains all the Part implementations. - package
The Seat package contains all the Seat Part types. - package
The Skin package contains all the Skin Part types.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims
The Rims package contains all the Rims related API.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings
The Settings package contains all the settings related API.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
The Settings Implementation package contains all the implemented setting classes.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics
The Statics package contains all the vehicle statics related API.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies
The Strategies package contains the strategies for the vehicle movement which can be applied.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types
The Types package contains all the Vehicle Type related classes.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config
This package contains all the config classes.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale
This package contains the classes that are used for localization. - package
The Storage DB package contains the DB API classes. - package
The Storage Exceptions package contains all the DB exceptions that might be thrown.
nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.tasks - package nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.tasks


OFF_HAND - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.HolderItemPosition
The offhand (left) of the armor stand
openTrunk(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player open the trunk of the vehicles?


part(Part) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Adds a single part to the vehicle model.
Part - Class in
The Part of a vehicle.
Part() - Constructor for class
Part(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Part.
Part(double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Part.
parts(List<Part>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Adds multiple parts to the vehicle model.
PartTypeName - Annotation Type in
Annotation to mark a class as a part type
permissions(Permissions) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the permissions for the vehicle model.
Permissions - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
Permissions(String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
Constructs the default permissions for a vehicle.
Permissions(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.Permissions
Permissions(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
Creates a new Permissions instance.
Permissions.PermissionsBuilder - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
PersistentVehicle - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl
A vehicle that is persistent and will not despawn when the player leaves the server.
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum
playSound(DrivableVehicle, Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
To play the sound
playSound(Location) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
Play the sound at the given location.
plugin - Variable in class
PluginMessage - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale
prepare() - Method in class
price(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the price of the vehicle model.
PROMPTS_GARAGE_RENAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
PROMPTS_GARAGE_ROLE_ADDMEMBER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
PROMPTS_GARAGE_ROLE_CREATE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
PROMPTS_GARAGE_ROLE_CREATED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %role% ▼
PROMPTS_GARAGE_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
PROMPTS_GENERAL_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
PROMPTS_GENERAL_NUMBER_INVALID - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %num% %input% ▼
PROMPTS_VEHICLES_MOVED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %garage% ▼
PROMPTS_VEHICLES_RENAMED - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
▼ %name% ▼
PROMPTS_VEHICLES_SETNAME - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
PROMPTS_VEHICLES_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage


QueuedSavable - Interface in


realisticSteering(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Enables or disables realistic steering.
refresh(Location) - Method in class
Refresh the location of the part, based on the center location.
registerHook(Runnable) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Register a new API hook.
registerPart(Class<? extends Part>) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Register a new custom Part
registerType(String, Class<? extends DataStorage>) - Static method in class
remove() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Remove this vehicle
remove(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player remove/despawn cars in this garage?
remove(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
Remove this vehicle
removeGarage(String) - Static method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.VehiclesPlusAPI
Remove a Garage from a Player's garages.
removeMember(UUID) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Removes a member from the garage.
removeRole(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Removes a role from the garage.
removeRole(String, boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Removes a role from the garage.
removeVehicle(UUID) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Remove a vehicle from this garage.
removeVehicle(StorageVehicle) - Method in class
rename(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player rename this garage?
repair(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player repair cars in this garage?
resetMovingValues() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Reset the moving values of the vehicle (currentSpeed and currentSteering)
REVERSE - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox.Gear
ride(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player ride the vehicles in the menu?
ride(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
The permission to ride this vehicle.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
The right side of the hitbox
RimDesign - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims
A rim design.
RimDesign() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
RimDesign(String, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition, float) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
Creates a new RimDesign instance.
rotationOffset - Variable in class
The rotation offset.
Rotor - Class in
The Rotor part, used for helicopters.
Rotor() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default Rotor part
Rotor(double, double, double, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Rotor part


Savable - Interface in
save() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
save() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
Save the rim design.
save() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
Save this vehicle type to the database
save() - Method in interface
save() - Method in interface
saveGarage(Garage) - Method in class
SaveTask - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.tasks
SaveTask() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.tasks.SaveTask
saveVehicle(StorageVehicle) - Method in class
Seat - Class in
The Seat part, where a player can sit on.
Seat() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default seat part
Seat(double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class
Construct a new seat part
Seat(double, double, double, boolean, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
Construct a new seat part
Seat(double, double, double, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Construct a new seat part
Seat(double, double, double, int, boolean, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
Construct a new seat part
serialize(Color) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTColorAdapter
serialize(T) - Method in interface nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTSerializable
Serialize the object to NBT.
setA(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The left key is pressed.
setAccelerate(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is accelerating, so W is pressed.
setAccelerationModifier(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the acceleration (positive or negative)
setActionBarMessage(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The message to show in the player's actionbar
setAddon(boolean) - Method in class
Is this part added to the vehicle, or not?
setAdjust(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to adjust this vehicle.
setAmmo(ItemStack) - Method in class
The ammo required to shoot.
setBase(Number) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The base setting.
setBrakeForceModifier(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the brake force (positive or negative)
setBroken(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
If the vehicle is broken
setBuy(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player buy cars for this garage?
setBuy(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to buy this vehicle.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Set if this event gets cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Set if this event gets cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setColor(Color, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the color of this part.
setConfigurator(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
If this vehicle is a configurator vehicle used by the Vehicle Configurator This for example disables some features in the Vehicle GUI
setCooldown(int) - Method in class
The shooting cooldown.
setCooldown(long) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
The amount of ticks it takes to shift gears.
setCurrentFuel(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current fuel of the vehicle in liters
setCurrentHealth(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current health of the vehicle
setCurrentSpeed(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current speed of the vehicle
setCurrentSteering(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
The current steering of the vehicle in degrees
setCustomName(ArmorStandName) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set the custom name of the armor stand.
setD(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The right key is pressed.
setDefaultModel(Class<? extends DefaultVehicleModel>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The default model
setDelete(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player delete vehicles in this garage?
setDeleteGarage(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player delete this garage?
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The display name of this StorageVehicle, used in chat and inventories
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The display name of this BaseVehicle, used in chat and inventories
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Change the display name of this garage.
setDrift(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Is the vehicle allowed to drift?
setDriving(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is driving, even if it's accelerating / slowing down.
setDuration(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The duration to play it for.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
Is the exhaust enabled?
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
Is the horn enabled?
setExitWhileMoving(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The exit while moving property
setExplosionSize(float) - Method in class
The size of an explosion.
setExtraYOffset(float) - Method in class
The extra offset to apply (while doing the wheelie)
setFrictionType(FrictionType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType
The friction type that this vehicle has
setFuelTankModifier(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the fuel tank (positive or negative)
setGarage(Garage) - Method in class
The String displayName of the menu the player opens.
setGarageRole(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageMember
The role this member has
setGearbox(Gearbox) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The gearbox settings If null, it means that the vehicle doesn't have a gearbox.
setGravity(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set the gravity of the armor stand.
setGUIItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
The item to display in the GUI
setHealth(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The health of the vehicle
setHeight(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
The Y-position
setHelmet(ItemStack) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set the helmet item of the armor stand.
setHolder(ArmorStand) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The main holder of this vehicle
setId(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The ID of this BaseVehicle
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class
Identifier of this turret
setIdle(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is in idle, so not moving.
setInvulnerable(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set if the armor stand is invulnerable.
setItem(ArmorStand, ItemStack) - Method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.HolderItemPosition
Set an item to the holder This will set the item to the correct slot
setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
The item that represents the fuel type
setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class
The item of the Part.
setLength(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
The Z-position (when facing North)
setLift(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
The current lift of the vehicle
setLiftoffSpeed(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
The speed at which the vehicle can liftoff (km/h)
setLock(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player lock the vehicles?
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class
The new lock state.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
Lock or unlock this vehicle.
setLocked(boolean, Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
Lock or unlock this vehicle.
setManageMembers(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player manage members in this garage?
setManageRoles(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player manage roles in this garage?
setMax(Number) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The maximal setting.
setMaxHeight(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
The maximal height this vehicle can move.
setMaxSpeedModifier(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the max speed (positive or negative)
setMember(UUID) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageMember
The garage member UUID
setMinHeight(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
The minimal height this vehicle can move.
setName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Change the name of this garage.
setName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
The name of the fuel type
setName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The name of the rim design.
setOccupied(boolean) - Method in class
Is this seat occupied?
setOpenTrunk(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player open the trunk of the vehicles?
setOwner(Player) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Set the owner of this garage.
setParticle(Particle) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The particle itself
setPermissions(GaragePermissions) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageRole
The name of the garage role
setPermissions(Permissions) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The permission settings
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set if the armor stand is persistent.
setPersistentLocation(Location) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
The location where this vehicle is placed
setPersonal(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.Garage
Represents whether this garage is a personal garage or broader
setPitch(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The pitch to play it at.
setPosition(HolderItemPosition) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The position of the rim on the armorstand.
setPrice(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The price of this vehicle
setPrice(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The price of the rim.
setPricePerLiter(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
The price per liter
setRealistic(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
Is the gearbox realistic?
setRealisticSteering(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
Is steering realistic?
setRemove(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player remove/despawn cars in this garage?
setRemoveWhenFarAway(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set if the armor stand is removed when far away.
setRename(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player rename this garage?
setRepair(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player repair cars in this garage?
setRide(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player ride the vehicles in the menu?
setRide(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to ride this vehicle.
setRimDesignId(String) - Method in class
Change the rim design of this wheel.
setRoleName(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GarageRole
The name of the garage role
setRotationOffset(int) - Method in class
The rotation offset.
setS(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The backward key is pressed.
setShift(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The shift key is pressed.
setSitWithoutRidePermission(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
Can a player sit in the vehicle, even if he doesn't have the ride permission?
setSkin(ItemStack) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.rims.RimDesign
The skin of the rim (applied to the wheels).
setSlowingDown(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is slowing down / breaking, so S is pressed.
setSound(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The sound to play.
setSound(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
The sound of the horn.
setSpace(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The space key is pressed.
setSpawn(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player spawn vehicles in this garage?
setSpawn(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
The permission to spawn/despawn this vehicle.
setStart(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
The sound played when the vehicle is started, so when it starts moving.
setSteer(boolean) - Method in class
Is this a steering seat?
setSteering(boolean) - Method in class
Is this wheel moving to left/right?
setSteeringOffset(float) - Method in class
The steering rotation offset.
setStep(Number) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The step of one upgrade.
setStepCost(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The cost of one step.
Setting - Interface in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings
A Setting for a Vehicle.
setTransferVehicle(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player transfer vehicles from this garage to another garage?
setTrunkSize(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The size of the trunk
setTune(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player tune vehicles in the garage?
setTurningRadiusModifier(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
A modifier added to the turning radius (positive or negative)
setTypeId(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
The type that this BaseVehicle is
setTypeId(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
The type of fuel that this vehicle uses.
setUnit(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
The unit of the setting.
setUpgradable(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
Is this setting upgradable?
setUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player tune vehicles in the garage?
setUsage(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
The fuel usage.
setVehicleRename(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions
Can a player rename vehicles in this garage?
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandBuilder
Set the visibility of the armor stand.
setVolume(float) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
The volume to play it at.
setW(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
The forward key is pressed.
setWheelieOffset(int) - Method in class
The wheelie offset of the skin
setWidth(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
The X-position (when facing North)
setXOffset(double) - Method in class
The x-offset
setXOffset(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The x-offset of the particle
setYOffset(double) - Method in class
The y-offset
setYOffset(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The y-offset of the particle
setZOffset(double) - Method in class
The z-offset
setZOffset(double) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
The z-offset of the particle
shoot() - Method in class
Make the turret shoot
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum
sitWithoutRidePermission(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
Can a player sit in the vehicle, even if he doesn't have the ride permission?
Skin - Class in
The Skin part, this is the skin of a vehicle.
Skin() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default Skin part
Skin(double, double, double, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Skin part
slowingDown(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
The sound played when the vehicle is slowing down / breaking, so S is pressed.
Sound() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
Sound(String, float, float, int) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
Creates a new Sound instance.
Sound(String, int) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
sounds(Sounds) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the vehicle sounds.
Sounds - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
Sounds.Sound - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
Sounds.SoundsBuilder - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl
spawn(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player spawn vehicles in this garage?
spawn(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
The permission to spawn/despawn this vehicle.
spawn(Location, boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
Spawn this vehicle.
spawn(Player, boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
Spawn this vehicle as a drivable vehicle.
SpawnedVehicle - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl
An abstract class that represents a spawned vehicle.
spawnParticle(Location) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
Spawn the exhaust particle.
spawnPersistent(Location) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
Spawn this vehicle as a persistent vehicle.
spawnStand(Location, Vehicle, boolean) - Method in class
Spawn the stand for this part.
spawnStand(Location, Vehicle, boolean) - Method in class
Spawn the stand for this part.
SPEED - Enum constant in enum
start(Sounds.Sound) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
The sound played when the vehicle is started, so when it starts moving.
STEERING - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.TiltType
Only tilt when steering (Bikes)
storageVehicle - Variable in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
The vehicle that is spawned
StorageVehicle - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl
A vehicle that is stored in a garage.
StorageVehicle(UUID, VehicleModel, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
Construct a StorageVehicle, that is loaded from storage.
StrategyFactory - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics
A factory for creating MovementStrategy instances
StrategyFactory() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.StrategyFactory


TANK - Enum constant in enum
tiltType(TiltType) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
TiltType - Enum in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types
The type of tilt to apply to a vehicle Multiple types can be applied to a vehicle
tiltTypes(Collection<? extends TiltType>) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
toLocation(Location) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxPoint
Convert this point to a location relative to the center
TOP - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
The top side of the hitbox
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.fuel.FuelType
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.PersistentVehicle
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.StorageVehicle
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.movement.MovementInput
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Exhaust
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Fuel
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.HeightLimit
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Hitbox
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Horn
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions.PermissionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Permissions
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.Sound
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds.SoundsBuilder
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Sounds
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.AirMovementStrategy
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.LandMovementStrategy
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.WaterMovementStrategy
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder
toString() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel
transferVehicle(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player transfer vehicles from this garage to another garage?
trunkSize(int) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the trunk size of the vehicle.
tune(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player tune vehicles in the garage?
TURNING - Enum constant in enum
turningRadius(UpgradableSetting) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the turning radius.
Turret - Class in
The Turret part, used for tanks.
Turret() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default Turret part
Turret(double, double, double, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition, float, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Turret part
Turret(String, double, double, double, ItemStack, HolderItemPosition, float, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Turret part
TurretSeat - Class in
TurretSeat() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default TurretSeat part.
TurretSeat(double, double, double, int, String) - Constructor for class
Construct a new TurretSeat part.
TurretSeat(double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class
Construct a new TurretSeat part.
typeId(String) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Sets the type ID of the vehicle model.
typeStrategies(MovementStrategy...) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.VehicleModel.Builder
Adds movement strategies to the vehicle.


UnsupportedTrunkSizeException - Exception Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions
Exception thrown when the trunk size is unsupported by Minecraft.
UnsupportedTrunkSizeException() - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.UnsupportedTrunkSizeException
UnsupportedTrunkSizeException(String) - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.UnsupportedTrunkSizeException
UnsupportedTrunkSizeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.UnsupportedTrunkSizeException
UnsupportedTrunkSizeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.exceptions.UnsupportedTrunkSizeException
update() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.DrivableVehicle
update() - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.impl.SpawnedVehicle
Update the vehicle (check for collisions).
UpdateChecker(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.config.Config.UpdateChecker
updateHolder() - Method in class
Updates the holder with the item.
UpgradableSetting - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings
A setting that is upgradable.
UpgradableSetting() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
UpgradableSetting(Number, boolean, Number, Number, double, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
Creates a new UpgradableSetting instance.
UpgradableSetting(Number, Number, Number, double, String) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.UpgradableSetting
Construct a new upgradable setting.
upgrade(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player tune vehicles in the garage?


V_PART_DATA - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
The serialized vehicle Part class Applied to: Part ArmorStand
V_UUID - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
The UUID of the vehicle Applied to: Vehicle Holder ArmorStand
value() - Element in annotation type
The name of the part type
value() - Element in annotation type nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.MovementTypeAssociation
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.HolderItemPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox.Gear
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.FrictionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.MovementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.TiltType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.nbt.NBTDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.collision.HitboxSide
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.HolderItemPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.settings.impl.Gearbox.Gear
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.FrictionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.MovementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.TiltType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.locale.PluginMessage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vehicle - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles
An abstract Vehicle class.
Vehicle() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.Vehicle
VehicleBuyEvent - Class in
This event gets fired before a Player buys a vehicle from the shop.
VehicleBuyEvent(VehicleModel, Player) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleBuyEvent.
VehicleClickEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a player interacts with a DrivableVehicle.
VehicleClickEvent(DrivableVehicle, Player) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleClickEvent.
VehicleCollisionEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a vehicle collides with another vehicle or another entity.
VehicleCollisionEvent(SpawnedVehicle, SpawnedVehicle, boolean, double, HitboxSide) - Constructor for class
VehicleCollisionEvent(SpawnedVehicle, Entity, boolean, double, HitboxSide) - Constructor for class
VehicleDeleteEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a SpawnedVehicle gets destroyed.
VehicleDeleteEvent(Vehicle) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleDeleteEvent.
VehicleDespawnEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a SpawnedVehicle gets despawned.
VehicleDespawnEvent(SpawnedVehicle, boolean, Player) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleDespawnEvent.
VehicleDespawnEvent(SpawnedVehicle, VehicleDespawnEvent.DespawnReason, boolean) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleDespawnEvent.
VehicleDespawnEvent.DespawnReason - Enum in
VehicleDestroyEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a SpawnedVehicle gets destroyed.
VehicleDestroyEvent(SpawnedVehicle) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleDestroyEvent.
VehicleEnterEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a player enters the vehicle.
VehicleEnterEvent(SpawnedVehicle, Player, Seat) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleEnterEvent.
VehicleEvent<T> - Class in
VehicleEvent(T) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleEvent.
VehicleGiveEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a CommandSender gives a OfflinePlayer a vehicle.
VehicleGiveEvent(VehicleModel, CommandSender, Garage, VehicleGiveEvent.Source) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleGiveEvent.
VehicleGiveEvent.Source - Enum in
VehicleLeaveEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a player leaves a vehicle.
VehicleLeaveEvent(DrivableVehicle, Player, Seat) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleLeaveEvent.
VehicleLockStateChangeEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a vehicle is locked / unlock.
VehicleLockStateChangeEvent(DrivableVehicle, boolean, Player) - Constructor for class
VehicleModel - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles
This class contains all the information about a vehicle type.
VehicleModel.Builder - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles
The builder class for constructing VehicleModel instances.
VehiclePreSpawnEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a vehicle will be spawned.
VehiclePreSpawnEvent(StorageVehicle) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehiclePreSpawnEvent.
VehiclePreSpawnEvent(StorageVehicle, Player) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehiclePreSpawnEvent.
VehicleRefuelEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a SpawnedVehicle gets destroyed.
VehicleRefuelEvent(SpawnedVehicle, String, double) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleRefuelEvent.
vehicleRename(boolean) - Method in class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.garages.permissions.GaragePermissions.GaragePermissionsBuilder
Can a player rename vehicles in this garage?
VehicleSpawnedEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a vehicle is spawned.
VehicleSpawnedEvent(SpawnedVehicle) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleSpawnedEvent.
VehicleSpawnedEvent(SpawnedVehicle, Player) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleSpawnedEvent.
VehiclesPlusAPI - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api
VehicleStatics - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics
Statics of a vehicle Some values are fixed for the StorageVehicle Some values are dynamic and will be changed when the vehicle is a DriveableVehicle+
VehicleStatics(VehicleModel) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.VehicleStatics
Construct a VehicleStatics instance for a VehicleModel
VehicleType - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types
A type of vehicle that can be used to create new VehicleModels
VehicleType.VehicleTypeBuilder - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types
VehicleUpgradeEvent - Class in
This event gets fired when a DrivableVehicle gets upgraded.
VehicleUpgradeEvent(DrivableVehicle, VehicleUpgradeEvent.UpgradeType) - Constructor for class
Construct a new VehicleUpgradeEvent.
VehicleUpgradeEvent.UpgradeType - Enum in
VOUCHER - Enum constant in enum
VP_HOLDER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandName
The holder ArmorStand
VP_PART - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.stands.ArmorStandName
A part ArmorStand


WATER - Enum constant in enum nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.types.MovementType
Water movement
WaterMovementStrategy - Class in nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies
A strategy for land movement
WaterMovementStrategy() - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.WaterMovementStrategy
WaterMovementStrategy(VehicleModel) - Constructor for class nl.sbdeveloper.vehiclesplus.api.vehicles.statics.strategies.WaterMovementStrategy
Default construct of AirMovementStrategy
Wheel - Class in
The Wheel part, placed on the vehicle.
Wheel() - Constructor for class
Construct a new default Wheel part.
Wheel(double, double, double, RimDesign, Color) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Wheel part.
Wheel(double, double, double, RimDesign, Color, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
Construct a new Wheel part.


xOffset - Variable in class
The x-offset


yOffset - Variable in class
The y-offset


zOffset - Variable in class
The z-offset
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